
Underground Pulse Chapter 1

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Underground Pulse Chapter 1 - A Yu-Gi-Oh 5DGX Story</I>

Black smoke resonated from the red Duel-Runner filling the space around the black spiky haired mechanic. Wiping the sweat from his forehead he sighed defeated once again by the finicky machine. Smoke continued to poor out of the contraption and soon covered the mechanic's transparent safety glasses in a film of soot, coughing the male flopped onto the floor.

"Yo, Yusei what are you doing?" asked a voice. The mechanic's eyes darted to the source wondering who was there;

"Oh Crow I was just trying to tweak some of the calibrations with my D-Wheel but it doesn't seem to agree with my methods." replied the mechanic now known as Yusei. Crow bent over taking the soot covered safety glasses off of Yusei's face and with an effort tried to clean them somewhat with his shirt;

"You know Yuse... you really aught to stop..." Yusei looked at Crow, a puzzled expression lying across his face;

"What do you mean? Stop what?"

"Working so hard. Seriously it seems as though that's all you do. You can take a break y'know it's allowed."

"I just want to make sure our Duel-Runners are in the proper shape that they need to be in when we riding duel. I don't want anyone to get hurt... and trying to improve things can't hurt either."

"Well it obviously can because by the looks of it your so called "improving" isn't really an improvement." Crow handed back the attempted cleaned pair of safety glasses which were now slightly better to see out of but no where near clean. "But if you're really going to just keep on working until your old and crippled unable to have fun anymore then you just go for that Yuse... you just do that." Yusei groaned at Crow's smart aleck remarks;

"These are even worse then when I started..." he said referring to the safety glasses. Crow sighed;

"Fine Yusei just ignore everything I said but maybe you should wait until Bruno comes over to help fix your D-Wheel." the orange spiky haired duelist turned and walked off with a wave signaling his leave. Yusei looked up from the safety glasses;

"Crow wait..." he said lifting his hand in an effort to stop him but it was already too late he was out of ear shot and couldn't hear him. Yusei looked back down at the improperly cleaned safety glasses; "Maybe he's right... maybe I do need to stop working so hard... maybe I do need to have some fun..." he mumbled.

"Who's right?" asked a voice from behind him. Yusei looked up once again to see who was there this time to find a tall blonde haired man towering over him.

"Oh Jack... I didn't notice you come in welcome home." Yusei said not really paying attention to what Jack had asked him.

"Yusei you didn't answer my question who were you talking about?"

"What do you mean? I wasn't talking about anyone."

"Yes you were you were just mumbling about how someone might have been right about something." Jack said getting paranoid.

"Oh you heard that...?"

"Yes now what's bugging you? Spill it." Jack demanded.

"It's nothing. Don't worry yourself about it." Jack bend down to Yusei's level and grabbed the collar of his shirt pulling him closer to his face, anger boiling from his pores.

"Would you stop paying attention to that D-Wheel for one god damn second and just tell me what the hell is wrong?!" shouted a furious Jack Atlas.

"That's just it. That's the problem. It's this D-Wheel."

"What...? The D-Wheel? What do you mean Yusei? Your not making any sense!"

"I work way too much on our D-Wheels... that's what Crow was trying to get across."

"Are you serious? Your letting that bird brain get to you! Are you serious Yusei Fudo?! Seriously that bird brain has gotten to you that much?!" Yusei was speechless he didn't know how to respond to Jack's sudden outburst. Jack let go of Yusei's shirt making him fall back to the ground, exasperated Jack turned around to walk off; "If your really that bothered by it than do something about it you idiot." Yusei looked up to see Jack walking in the same direction Crow had went, he then looked back down at the safety glasses and thought;
"But what am I suppose to do?..."
Yusei poked at his ramen noodles that were prepared for the night's supper thinking about his dilemma.

"Yusei... are you alright?" asked a burgundy haired girl. Yusei looked up from his noodles over to the girl;

"Sorry Aki... I'm not being a very good host your over for supper after all." Yusei faked a smile. "I'm just not very hungry is all... I think I'll just go and see how Bruno is doing with my D-Wheel maybe he's figured out what I was doing wrong today." Yusei got up from the table making his way over to his D-Wheel which sat by the stairs leading out to the streets. Aki whispered over to Crow;

"What's wrong with Yusei?" Crow shrugged unsure.

"I'll tell you what's wrong!" Jack shouted as he slammed a hand on the table standing up. "Bird brain there told him that he needs to have more fun and not work so much so now it's eating away his spiky little head!" Crow's eyes widened, he then smirked closing his eyes and re-opening raising an eyebrow;

"Keh, so my words did strike a cord eh?"

"Crow! You should apologize to Yusei right now!" Aki demanded.

"And why should I? I'm just looking out for the guy I did nothing wrong!"

"Nothing wrong? Nothing wrong?! Who will work on our D-Wheels and make all the money around here?!" Jack raged.

"Hush up will ya?! You don't want him to hear you do you?" Crow motioned pointing a finger towards Yusei who was just across the room. "I'm surprised he hasn't heard your fit yet! He must be really out of it! As for money me and Yusei both have jobs your the only lazy bum who doesn't have one and spends the majority of our money anyways!" Jack growled trying to restrain himself from putting Crow into a headlock. He didn't want to blow their cover and have Yusei coming over to see what the problem was. "Come on now you both know I'm right. When was the last time Yusei has seriously had a fun time and actually enjoyed himself? I can't even think of one moment for the entire time I've known the guy!" Aki and Jack were both silent trying to think of a "Yusei happy moment" but nothing was coming to mind.

"So what do you propose we do?" Aki asked. Crow smirked;

"You just leave it to me." he said winking and got up from the table making his way over to where Yusei and Bruno were. Aki and Jack stayed behind watching to see what was going to unfold. Crow tapped Yusei's shoulder to get his attention and Yusei looked to the floor shuffling his feet against the ground and to the looks of it was mumbling some words to Crow, probably something to try and make him not worry about him. Jack sighed;

"Looks like bird brain just came out with it and confronted Yusei right there and then. Come on let's see how much damage he did." he said motioning Aki to follow him over to where Crow Yusei and Bruno were.

"Crow it's really nothing... don't worry about me I'm fine I don't need to do anything." Yusei mumbled.

"Come on Yuse Jack told me how much my words have been bothering you the jig is up buddy." Jack smacked the back of Crow's head; "Ow! Hey what was that for?!" Jack ignored Crow trying to change the subject;

"So Yusei did Bruno figure out what was wrong with your D-Wheel?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah something about an accelerator being off..."

"An accelerator...? Yusei... that's so simple even I would be able to install one of those!" Yusei looked back down at the floor ashamed.

"It's okay we've got it fixed now Jack don't worry about it." stated the blue haired boy as he wiped his greasy hands against a cloth.

"That's not the point Bruno these kind of mistakes shouldn't be made. Yusei should know what he's doing I'm just thankful it decided to blow up in his face so he knew something was wrong. Can you imagine what might have happened if he was in a riding duel?" Yusei's face shot up after hearing Jack saying this;

"What I was trying to prove to Crow... how the D-Wheels should always be safe and improved upon... and I can't even do this one simple thing. And I... I... what is wrong with me?" Yusei thought as he looked at his hands which were now shaking.

"Look I'm going to go I'll check back on you all later. Feel better Yusei..." Aki said as she headed upstairs out to the street. Crow wrapped a hand around Yusei's wrist in an attempt to stop his hands from shaking;

"Yusei? Yusei? Yusei snap out of it! It's okay Yusei it's alright it was just a mistake." Crow comforted but his voice was still frantic. Yusei shook his head looking back up;

"But it was such a simple mistake! How could I make a mistake on that?! If it was one of your D-Wheels either of you could have been seriously hurt! I can't believe I made such a childish mistake what is wrong with me?!"

"Yusei I told you. It's okay to take a break." Crow smiled reassuring his black haired friend.


"But nothing! Bruno can take care of the repairs for now! Isn't that right Bruno? You'll help Yusei out won't you?"

"But of course!" Bruno said as if second nature.

"See Yusei? Bruno's got you covered and you know we can trust his work!"

"Yeah... but what about money I need to work I need to do repairs."

"I have a job too it's okay Yusei your allowed to take a break! Your overworked plain and simple okay?"

"But... what am I suppose to do?"

"Well you have to do something being a non stop grease monkey isn't doing anything for ya. What about a date with Aki? That girl is crazy about you!"

"Aki and me on a date? Crow I think you must be mistaken Aki and I and just good friends and nothing more I don't see how you think that she likes me in more of a way than just friends." Crow sighed placing the palm of his hand against his face, he rubbed his temples. Thinking of something for Yusei to do for fun was giving him a headache. He grumbled; "Look I don't know buddy but you got to do something okay?" Yusei sighed;

"Yeah okay... I think I'm just going to go for a ride. My D-Wheel's good to go now isn't it Bruno?" Bruno nodded in approval. "I'll see you all later." he said as he rolled his D-Wheel out of the room to the streets.

Yusei zoomed down the street letting the wind take his thoughts, not thinking but just riding, the lights were all a blur the world didn't matter it was just him and his Duel-Runner. The sound of a honk caught his attention and he reefed on the bike making it screech to the side as he lowered his foot to the ground to try and stop the machine. With some time the machine stopped, smoke coming off of the tires from such a sudden stop, Yusei stepped off of his D-Wheel, taking off his helmet he shook his head back and forth taking in his surroundings. "Where am I...? And how far would I have gone if I hadn't of heard that honk... wait that honk did I just cut someone off? I was really out of it..." Yusei looked around reading his thoughts, everything seemed fine no one was flipping him off but he was definitely not in New Domino anymore. Yusei started to walk trying to get any idea at all of where he was but with all the bright neon signs and the pitch black night sky this wasn't going to be easy to figure out. "Ugh... what have I gotten myself in-" his thoughts were cut off by the roar of a motorcycle coming into close contact of his body, quickly hopping away from the wreckless driver but not quick enough as the bike brushed him making him fall back onto the ground;

"Ow... jeez" he complained rubbing his bottom. The driver turned back, Yusei seeing a hand from the red crotch rocket in a gesture to help him up.

"Sorry man, are you okay?" the rider spoke from within his red helmet with a black circle on the part of the helmet where his ear would be and a black stripe running from the circle down the middle of the helmet to where the transparent glass visor was. Yusei took the rider's hand and helped himself up;

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks."

"Okay good well I got to go I'm already late as it is." he said.

"Wait late for what?" Yusei asked but it was too late he had already roared off into the distance. Yusei ran after to see where the rider was heading to he soon came across an area with a bunch of spectators and motorcycles outside of a building. A stairway lead downstairs into what would probably be a room with a ring. "Is this where that rider went?" Yusei thought he looked up to see a bright pink neon sign but couldn't make out what the lettering said, he then made his way down the stairs the further he climbed down the louder the noises became. Roaring of motorcycles were apparent and cheering and yelling was heard.

"WOAH!" "OOO!!" "AHH!" "YEAH GO GO GO!" were the apparent words Yusei could hear as he got to the bottom of the stairs. He looked around to see a large amount of people around a circular ring. He looked down to what the spectators were looking at to see the same red crotch rocket motorcycle racing around the circular ring against a lime green bike. He watched intrigued to see what would happen next. The lime green bike went up close to the red one almost scraping the paint from the red bike, the rider of the red bike reefed up the side of the wall almost coming into contact with the crowd, the spectators on that side of the ring screeched in fear. It seemed as though the speed the red rider had built up was too much for him and he was having trouble controlling his bike as the front end shook back and forth violently trying to go right or left, the rider having a hard time keeping the bike to go straight for the time being. The real weird thing Yusei noticed that there was no duel monsters above the bikes he looked closer at the bikes to see that there were no duel disks on them at all. "So they must not be D-Wheels then" he thought. Soon the red driver made it down onto the bottom floor of the circular stadium, the lime green cyclist was keeping his distance unsure of what the red rider was doing. Speed was still a major factor in the equation for the red cyclist. The red driver was fast approaching a wall and was trying to turn but Yusei could see what was going to happen all to clearly. The driver smoked into the wall, driver flying off the bike backwards leaving the crushed bike against the wall. Looking at the bike closer it looked like the front end crunched into the middle portion of the bike. The lime green driver stopped and what Yusei assumed to be the announcer came up to the lime green driver holding up his right arm declaring him the winner the crowd roared and cheered with enthusiasm. The red rider crawled up from the ground throwing his helmet down in frustration, Yusei looked down to the red suited driver to see his unmasked face. He looked quite young, but not really young maybe only a year or two off of his own age. He had a funny hair color the top being orange and the bottom half of his hair being a light brown color, seeing the side view of his head made the top of his head almost look kind of like a mushroom but the back hairs were spiked out. He smiled to himself; "Still got a long way to go kid." he thought looking at the driver's discontented face for one last time before leaving the area.

When he came out of the stairway it was still dark out but beginning to lighten signaling an early day break. Yusei wandered around until he found his D-Wheel, luckily it was still where he had left it. He soon saw a sign telling him how many miles it was until he was to be in New Domino City, not very many he must have just drove to the next town over. He yawned and made his way back home.
After about 20 minutes he had made it back to the storage place they liked to call home, he quietly snuck his D-wheel into the space trying not to wake anyone and headed over the table sitting down and setting his head against the flat table top soon falling fast asleep.

Yusei's eyes fluttered open at the sun shining into the little windows that they had in their storage/home and a knock was heard on the top door where the stairs resided.

"Hmm that's weird, usually anyone that wants to see either Jack, Crow, Bruno or I just walks in no one ever knocks." he thought and soon the door slowly creaked open;

"Hello...? Hello?" a voice meekly called. "I heard I could find Yusei Fudo here, I'm from the next town over and I heard from a couple people that he was quite good at fixing some motorcycles... I was hoping he could help me out." the shadowy figure said at the top of the stairs, sun shining into the room.
Chapter 1 of Underground Pulse... not real long but eh I'm tired and I wanted to get it up... hopefully it makes sense -looks at clock 3:30 in the morn- yeah let's really hope... -goes and sleeps and dies-

-Feel free to leave comments if you like it! ^^ NO FLAMES/BASHING for unapparent reasons please-
© 2011 - 2024 Inufan078
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ScarletEquinox's avatar
got me hooked ;D
i loved this one, gonna go and read the rest!! -looks at clock- it's only one in the morning, i got some time!!